Festival Awards
- An Honorary Diploma of Polish Puppeteer Centre POLUNIMA for Tadeusz Wierzbicki.
- A "Hundread for the Point" award for Puppets and People Theatre.
- "Blind Invitation for the next Festival edition" Audience Prize for Gaspare Nasuto.
- Impossible Theatre Union President's "Wonderful moment of animation" award in a form of bronze sculpture: Noemi by Ewald Kornek (replica from the "Options of life according to professor Leszek Kołakowski") for Meital Raz.
Jury Awards
- "Expression of a Life by the Puppet" for the Best Actor (prize in amount of 6 000 zł) for Gaspare Nasuto.
- "Expression of a Theatre by the Puppet" for creativity (prize in amount of 6 000 zł) for Nicola Unger.
- Grand Prix of "Expression of a Theatre by the Puppet" for the best spectacle (prize in amount of 8 000 zł) for Meital Raz.
Entry passes
Dear spectators,
We would like to kindly inform you that the tickets for all the spectacles of the Festival has already been booked.
If you do care about attending a particular spectacle, you are invited an hour before the spectacle to enter your name onto the standby list. Half an hour before the spectacle, the reservation list is being erased (usually not all spectators claim their tickets) and then the available passes can be redistributed among spectators, starting with those who turned up first despite having no reservation. Although we cannot guarantee you a place in the auditorium, there is a chance that you will be allowed to attend the spectacle.
At the same time, we are informing that there still are seats available for the screening of all animated films – you are welcome to attend!
Our Sponsors and Partners
We are most sincerely sorry for the delay in publishing the information about our Sponsors and Partners, due to technical and organization related issues.
We cannot emphasize how significant for us is your support and commitment, for which we would like to extend our deepest words of gratitude.
We keenly entourage our Guests to visit the official Internet web pages of our Sponsors and Partners, without help of which, the organization of this festival would not be possible.
Booking of free passes starts with the 1st of October
Booking rules:
- To book the entry pass, you are required to send an e-mail message containing the title of the spectacle, your name and surname and the number of requested passes, to and wait for the confirmation of the booking
- An individual can reserve up to 2 passes – e.g. one per two spectacles or two for one spectacle
- The time you can claim your tickets starts an hour and finished half an hour before the spectacle. We politely request not to claim your passes at the last moment
- Half an hour before the spectacle starts, the reservation list for the current day is erased and the entry passes which were not claimed, are to be redistributed to the individuals who did not book the tickets. The tickets will be redistributed according with the queue.
- While booking the tickets, please mind the reservation, due to the fact that there is no possibility of introducing any changes.